
Taoism - Wu 14, Chinese Astrology, The Truth Of What It Means And How It Works

In this video we look at the union of the previous areas of study in the Taoism series, the Five Elements along with the I Ching and how they are formed together to make a map of all things on every vibratory scale in the universe. from the work around us, the human mind, the body and the Earth rotation around the sun. The Chinese astrology system has been overlooked in the west as we link it with the Astrology of the west, however they two are very different and have two completely different intentions of use. using the two parts of the astrology, The ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthy branches the Taoist magical Tree of Life is born just like the Kabballah in the western systems. With this in mind we can begin to develop the human consciousness and even understand how the humans mind was developed due to changes in the position of the earths orbit and axis around the sun. This massive change effected how life could develop on earth from the cold blooded to the warm blooded evolution and how the human body adapted to survive in its new habitat


Taoism - Wu 13, How The Five Elements Utilise Organs In The Body To Generate Power


Taoism - Wu 15, What Really is Kung Fu and How Is It Designed To Teach Us About The Universe