
Astrology - 11, The Moon Or Luna The Ninth Spiritual Device

The Moon or Luna is an important aspect in astrology and so the universe, the symbolic reference to Luna in our lives is always present even when we do not know it, although the Luna cycle has a individual process which we will look at later in the series, the moon itself is important to understand as a concept. Luna or the Moon is linked with Selene in Greek mythology but that is a reference to the cycle, The moon itself is actually closer linked to Athena and the use and development of Wisdom, The moon or the last spiritual device on the Kabbalah represents higher thought and the union of primal and conscious brain waves, it is pure imagination and the ability to see all things in the universe. It is the height of the humans potential and always represents the end of any cycle just like the Luna phase, where the end of one cycle represents the start of another. The moon is always given as the symbol of the Queen or in more modern concept the name Mary the counterpart of the sun, The King and Christ. It is no coincidence that the people of the modern age all seem to have a closer connection to this symbol as it is a sign of trying to help ones self become developed.


Astrology - 10, The Planet Mercury The Eighth Spiritual Device


Astrology - 12, The Planet Pluto The Hidden Spiritual Device