
Astrology - 5, The Planet Saturn The Third Spiritual Device

In this Planetary video we look at Saturn and the third devise that we can use to symbolise the effects of a specific aspect on every vibrational cosmic level, The concept of Saturn is actually linked with Poseidon and the realm of the material world in its base form. that is the world in its basic components such as raw materials that make up all things, as such we can represent the use of the device in the periodic table. the basic tissues in the body such as the bones, skin, organs ect. on a mental level it is the components of events that form your personality as you develop in early life. Saturn is the ability to use resources and acquire basic matter for potential use, in effect it is all things in the material world. It is also the first visible planet with the naked eye and as such represents the first of the main seven forces in the universe. because of this is is given the relation to the metal Lead as it is less reactive and is highly un reactive being so far away from the centre of the microcosmic universe.


Astrology - 4, The Planet Uranus The Second Spiritual Device


Astrology - 6, The Planet Jupiter The Fourth Spiritual Device