
Astrology - 3, The Planet Neptune The First Spiritual Device

We begin to look at the aspects of the planets that are used in astrology, less as planets but more a symbolic devices that can be identified on every vibrational level of reality, Yes the planet is a physical manifestation of the symbol and behaves in the same way within the solar system, but Neptune represents a lot more than that when we use it as it was meant to be understood in a greater universe sense. In this video we look at how Neptune is actually the manifestation of Zeus and the singularity principle of all things. The most removed but equally the most powerful. Neptune grants protection from the cosmic level above and is the definitive point where one thing ends and another begins.


Astrology - 2, How The Kabbalah Provides Us With the Correct Way of Understanding Astrology


Astrology - 4, The Planet Uranus The Second Spiritual Device